A meaningful Jewish education doesn’t need to end at age thirteen.
Recognizing that learning is not just for the young, we offer adult congregants and the greater community a rich variety of learning experiences. Classes are offered on many subjects including Hebrew literacy, Torah reading, and ethics.
Our programming is amongst the most extensive of any congregation in the area, and continually growing. Today it includes everything from lectures to Israeli food on the beach, from concerts to hands-on Jewish art creations, and much more.
Never stop growing.
Each year we offer a Scholar-in-Residence program that brings a diverse group of speakers to the synagogue for thought provoking lectures and sessions.
In addition, we often host movies, musical performances, Shabbat dinners with speakers, and Sunday morning forums that involve an informal gathering with a light breakfast. These programs are a wonderful opportunity to gather, socialize, and learn.
Educational Series and Forums:
- Guest Lectures
- Friday Evening Shabbat Programs and Dinners
- Weekend Scholar in Residence
- Sunday Morning Programs
- Rabbi’s Study Classes
We invite you to check out our upcoming Adult Education events — just go to the Calendar and filter for Adult Ed. Join us!